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Providing Everything You Need

Mens Bodybuilding

The art of bodybuilding posing is the final touch to showcasing your physique. Mastering the art of posing takes practice. What I will teach you is how to present your physique the best way we can. It takes another pair of trained eyes like myself to display your physique on Stage.

7x Mr.Olympia Arnold Schwarzenegger

Mens Classic Physqiue 

The Classic Physique shall display visible separation within the abdominal region, from top to bottom; Clean delineation between all three heads of the deltoids, triceps and biceps, clean lines between the quadriceps muscle groups and hamstrings with full shapely and symmetrical muscle bellies.

3x Mr.Olympia Frank Zane

Mens Physique 

Judging is based on having overall full muscularity, balance, lean fit physique with good symmetry in both muscularity and conditioning. Extreme muscular size and leanness like with the bodybuilding category should be avoided. Small waist. Good V-shape form the shoulders to the waist.

4x Best Poser Alex Grit

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